25 July 2014

Swami Vivekananda Thoughts on Self confidence

Winning Formulas
To become successful Managers

He is an atheist who does not believe himself. The old religions said that he was an atheist who did not believe in God. The new religion said that he is an atheist who does not believe in himself.
-          Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda

Ekalavya, an ideal for modern students, learnt archery without any external help. By self-effort and faith in one’s own power, longing for knowledge, and by self-reliance one can do miracles.

Swami Vivekananda in his words on Self Confidence:
What makes the difference between man and man is the difference in shraddha and nothing else. What makes one man great and another week and low is this shraddha.

Faith, faith, faith in ourselves, faith, faith in God – this is the secret of greatness. If you have faith in all the three hundred and thirty millions of your mythological gods, and in all the gods which foreigners have now and again introduced into your midst, and still have no faith in yourselves, there is no salvation for you.

  1. Men, men, these are wanted: everything else will be ready, but strong vigorous, believing young men, sincere to the backbone, are wanted. A hundred such and the world becomes revolutionized.
  2. You must not to say that not you are week. How do you know that possibilities lie behind that degradation on that surface? You know but little of that which is within you. For behind you is the ocean of infinite blessedness.
  3. The earth is enjoyed by heroes this is the unfailing truth. Be hero. Always say, ‘I have no fear’. Tell this to everybody – ‘Have no fear’. Fear is sin, fear is hell, fear is death, fear is unrighteousness, fear is wrong life. All the negative thoughts and ideas that are in this world have proceeded from this evil spirit of fear.

Never mind failures, they are quite natural, they are the beauty of life, these failures. What would life be without them? … I never heard a cow tell a lie, but is only a cow never a man. So never mind these failures, these little backsliding; hold the ideal a thousand times, and if you fail a thousand times, make the attempt once more. The ideal of man is to see God in everything.

Arise, awake, for your country needs this tremendous sacrifices. It is the young men that will do it. ‘The young, the energetic, the strong, the well-built, the intellectual’ – for them is the task.

 Source : Winning Thoughts to become a successful manager by Swami Vivekananda.

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