23 July 2014

Create WiFi Hot spot in Windows 8.1 /8 Using Command Prompt

This Post will help you to create Free WiFi Hot spot on your WiFi enabled computer/Laptop.
This will be done using command prompt and we are not using any other software to do so.

So guys , if you want to create a WiFi hot spot on your  laptop you need a Broad Band connection or a Modem with D/L of 7.2 Mbps.

STEP 1 :

  If you are using windows 8.1 / 8 you have to open Command Prompt with administrative Rights to modify anything on this computer. this feature enables you to create anything flawlessly through command prompt. .
To do so press Ctrl +X  and you can find "command prompt(Admin)" option.
This screen shot will help you to understand

After selecting CMD in admin mode you will find a window of command prompt with admin rights.

first of all to enableng wifi hotsopt you should confirm that your laptop/ computer driver allows you to create.

So you could check your drivers by entering this command

netsh wlan show drivers

look at this screen shot so that you could undderstand briefly.

If your laptop Supports Hosted network then you will find YES as shown in above screen shot.
if you couldn't find YES , just try by installing latest drivers to your laptop from your manufacturer. 
Still if you are facing Problems with enabling hosted network here is the command  to enable it

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow

Step 2 :

After confirming that you have enabled hosted network, you can go head to the 2nd step.
in this you will have to create a virtual network  with some SSID and some password to protect it.

Here is the screen short .

Try to enter the following command on cmd with admin mode window.

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=some_example key=asyouwish

Here SSID means name of your network and KEY is the Password.

Step 3: 

If  you are finished above  two steps , you are done to start using it. To start your WiFi you have to type this command 

netsh wlan start hosted network

to stop 
just type stop instead of start in the above command

you are done.

to statrt using internet through your wifi you should sahre your network/broadband connection. dont forget it. other wise you cant use internet.

Thank you .


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